
About Me

Nin's Letters will be all about letters! I have always loved writing letters and receiving them! I love the feeling of anticipation you get when you receive a letter in the post: who is it from? Where did it come from? What's it going to say inside? There really is no way of knowing! So, I thought, what better a way to express my love for letters than to write them to the world! Then EVERYONE can experience that same feeling of anticipation when they receive one.

The blog itself will be primarily literature based, I read pretty much anything so expect some varied book's on here! However, I do aim to expand to travel and kind of lifestyle in the future. This will all be in the same letter written format.

Now I've covered the Blog, I will talk about myself a little. My name is Lily Watson although as you may have guessed from the name of this blog, my nickname is Nin. I am 17 years old and I live in England. I'm not going to bore you with anymore classic information about me like my schooling and things, I will however tell you three cool/random facts about me:

1)I like taking part in adventurous activities: I did a skydive last year and raised £1725 for charity and I did a bungee jump for my birthday. I'm always on the hunt to see what j could do next!

2) I have crazy curly ginger hair and I wouldn't change it for the world!

3) My two favourite things in the world are reading and travelling. I am such an escapist reader and I think that's why I love to travel too. I love learning about different cultures and  I want to travel the world and read lots and lots of books along the way.

I do hope that you will come with me on this crazy new adventure!

Signing off till next time,

Nin :-) x

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